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Judul asli: Leadership in organization
Look Ahead adalah seri buku kursus bahasa Inggris untuk siswa SMA. Kurikulum 2004 berupaya mengembangkan kompetensi linguistik, aksi, sosial-budaya, dan strategis yang diusulkan oleh Kurikulum 2004. Ini memberikan kegiatan imajinatif untuk memperkenalkan siswa ke berbagai bentuk teks sastra, faktual dan media, seperti entri jurnal, resep, laporan, anekdot, artikel berita, dongeng, dan ulasan.…
Buku terbagi menjadi 7 unit, yaitu: Unit 1 A New School Year Unit 2 Going to School Unit 3 Around the School Unit 4 Around Me Unit 5 A Big Clean School Unit 6 My Favorite Star Unit 7 Cut the Paper, Please
Headlight is an English series for SMA student, developed in accordance with the 2004 Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). It provides the student with a wide variety of language activities in the four language skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking). Other language aspects, such as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciaton, are included in each chapter to support the development of the languag…